Organisational Development
We believe in the value of each individual and provide tailored solutions to help executives, managers, professionals and other staff achieve career success.
Successful organisations realise they need to invest in their people. They find the gems hidden in their organisation; they coach, develop and mentor them, to grow capability and create tomorrow’s leaders.

Executive Coaching
A collaborative individualised program in which an external coach works with a key Manager or Executive to maximise effectiveness.
We work with companies to enhance the effectiveness of their leadership by defining, assessing and coaching the leadership behaviours required for success in the organisation, on both an individual and executive team level.
Very often senior managers and executives find themselves in positions of significant influence and power. They’re often the best in their field technically, but occasionally they may need further assistance to improve their effectiveness as leaders – especially in times of significant change – or they may simply be growing and developing in their leadership capacity.
Executive coaching focuses on both organisational and personal development to maximise employee effectiveness. Common areas of focus include:
- Leading others
- Managing change
- Teamwork
- Transitioning to new & stretch roles
- Interpersonal & communication skills
- Decision making
Our programs are tailored for client needs, and are often positioned as development programs for people who are high performers. Our coaching clients are at various stages of their careers, including Senior/General Manager level or above.
Whilst every coaching engagement is unique, we follow a structured process to ensure consistency within the delivery framework.
Uniquely tailors coaching for the individual’s career stage, needs and aspirations
Marshall Goldsmith Stakeholder Centered Coaching
The Marshall Goldsmith Approach to Developmental and Performance Coaching was developed by Dr Marshall Goldsmith, a world renowned Executive Coach and Leadership Thinker, and enables successful leaders to achieve positive & measurable change in leadership behaviour as well as providing a system for continuous improvement for themselves and their teams.
This coaching program is unique as:
- It guarantees measurable results for executive leaders and the organisations they work for;
- The coaching program is a real time on the job process that is highly effective and time efficient.
The program is focused on behavioural change to enhance leadership effectiveness. As Marshall Goldsmith states, “the major challenge faced by executives today is not understanding the practice of leadership, it is practicing their understanding of leadership.”
Stakeholder Centered coaching focuses on measurable leadership growth. Prior to the commencement of coaching, a mixture of 360-degree assessment and behavioural interviews with key stakeholders (manager, subordinates, peers) are used to determine current performance and to identify areas for performance enhancement. From these outcomes 1-2 leadership growth areas are defined in conjunction with the leader’s manager.
Throughout the coaching process, we measure leadership growth every 3-4 months using the Leadership Growth Progress Review (LGPR mini-survey). This is a short survey to measure the stakeholders’ perception of the leadership growth in the predefined leadership growth areas. Marshall Goldsmith research shows that 95% of the leaders who consistently involved their stakeholders in the process measurably improved their leadership effectiveness.
“The major challenge faced by executives today is not understanding the practice of leadership, it is practicing their understanding of leadership”
Coaching and integration support for new leaders on entry to an organisation or promotion.
Commencing a new role, or stepping up into a more senior role on promotion is very often a challenging experience. Expectations for quick results are usually high, performance is being judged.
Onboarding coaching seeks to promote successful role transitions through a proactive approach to underpinning success.
Why structured onboarding?
- Supports alignment and adjustment to cultural, people and specific role expectations
- Underpins recruitment or succession investment
- Demonstrates support for the new manager or leader
The length of time is determined by the organisation. Typical time frames for senior management and executives is 90-100 days with ongoing support and check in.
To be successful
Successful onboarding is not solely the responsibility of the participant. It requires the engagement , input and participation of the organisation as well as the candidate and is supported by an experienced coach.
Commencing a new role, or stepping up into a more senior role on promotion is very often a challenging experience
Optimising Performance
Building resilience and enhancing performance in challenging environments.
We know that when we are feeling good within ourselves, we perform better in all aspects of our lives. When there are pressures and uncertainty around us at work it can be beneficial to take the time to assess our own strengths and focus on behaviours that serve us well. Simply recognising our differences and individualities will go a long way to enhancing our own performance and well-being.
Optimising Performance will assist your people:
- Understand what they need to do to perform at their ultimate best
- Understand the impact on performance if needs aren’t met
- How stress behaviour may evolve, and how to manage stress behaviour
What does it look like?
We provide tailored solutions. We partner with clients to ensure that the program and learning outcomes are aligned to your specific requirements to ensure that the emphasis is in the right place. Common delivery approach:
1:1 Session > Group Session > 1:1 Session
Building resilience and enhancing performance
Talent Track
Helps employees to gain understanding and self-insight into what drives individual success and effectiveness, and how to better manage their own careers and resilience.
Ultimately each of us are the drivers of own career development and are responsible for the proactive management of our own employee brand/reputation. Talent Track builds individual confidence and capability through:
- Knowledge and tools to self-direct a review of their career to date, focusing on: Strengths – Achievements – Career accelerators and stallers – Motivators and interests – Work values – Ideal work environment – Personal needs and constraints
- Knowledge and tools to generate career goals that are aligned with career aspirations and that play to capabilities and strengths
- A framework for constructing an individual career plan
- Insight into how to prepare for and conduct a meaningful career conversation with line managers
- Information about navigating careers inside the organisation
- Strategies for building career resilience
- Greater understanding of personal branding and networking skills
Key drivers for talent track
Participants will gain deep self-insight into career planning and individual development in addition to building strategies to manage their career going forward and will enable your organisation to:
- Empower and support your employees to better manage their own careers
- Support your talent management initiatives for high potential employees
- Leverage the opportunities presented by current and future organisational change
- Support your engagement and retention strategy
What does it look like?
We provide tailored solutions. We partner with clients to ensure that the program and learning outcomes are aligned to your specific requirements to ensure that the emphasis is in the right place. A common delivery approach is:
1:1 Session > Group Session > 1:1 Session
Driving individual success and effectiveness
Tipping Point
A collaborative development program made up of individual one-to-one coaching, group coaching and peer mentoring.
Tipping Point supports the objectives of individuals and organisations to manage challenging experiences in the workplace. The program aims to achieve learning goals through participation in a collaborative development program that focuses on a blend of:
- Individual Coaching focusing on specific individual development goals of the cohort members
- Group coaching on an organisation determined objective and peer mentoring through the Tipping Point group which is comprised of organisational cohort
Objectives ‐ individual
- Provide a safe environment for individuals to:
- Practise different approaches to leadership and management
- Develop strategies for new and different approaches to problem solving
- Develop opportunities for initiating new experiences
- Achieve improvement and success through shared learnings, practice and reflection
Objectives ‐ organisation
- Provide an opportunity for the organisation to:
- Enhance and fine tune individual behaviour and ultimately success
- Engage in real time with a focus on live issues
- Have an immediate impact on development
- Provide an active learning approach based on: Review, Share, Practice and Action
- Create a dual learning experience ‐ utilise the experience and expertise of other participants, sponsor and facilitator
- Leverage the group, encourage collaboration and shared ownership