Career Management
We recognise that your organisation and people are unique, with different goals, aspirations, expectations and values. We know that a customised approach works best.
Our Career Management programs are designed to support the career success of individuals.
- Sponsorship & Mentoring

Empowering women to take control of their own career directions.
CARE builds individual confidence and capability in emerging and high potential women by using tools and strategies to review their career to date, define their career aspirations and goals, develop a career trajectory, and build career resilience to navigate the future.
Research shows that the representation of women declines with seniority. Men and women both have the same ability to climb the career ladder, but external factors and different challenges can sometimes make the climb more difficult for women. Although the representation of women across all manager categories has grown consistently since 2013, the most senior roles remain heavily male-dominated. The “broken rung” – that first step up to manager – is cited as the biggest obstacle.
CARE supports
- Career empowerment for women
- Engagement and retention strategies for emerging and high potential women
- Enabling women to reach their potential
- Sponsorship as a key enabler of career success
CARE approach
- The CARE program comprises 4 group workshops (3-hour hours each). In-session learning is complemented by between-session activities and resources, allowing participants to reflect and expand their understanding. CARE can be run in-house or externally
- Cohorts consist of 6–10 emerging and high potential women as nominated by the organisation, providing the opportunity for connected learning, peer mentoring and shared experience
- Participants complete an Individual Directions Inventory (IDI), which provides valuable insights into their energy and motivators to help them reach their full potential
- Organisations have the option to pair participants with internal sponsors. Research shows that women tend to be over mentored and under sponsored; sponsors are a key enabler of career success. Ongoing career conversations with a sponsor enable participants to seek guidance and support to pull them to the next level
- CARE can be run in-house or externally via face-to-face or remote delivery. All participants are provided access to an online portal and cohort-specific community
CARE options
- Additional 1:1 coaching for participants
- Individual IDI and career debrief
- 6-month follow-up session with participants
- Sponsor workshop
Career Track for women:
Career Transition
When people are given a helping hand to gain new employment, the process often shifts from daunting to liberating.
At Tower Careers our approach to career transition is very personal. We provide all departing employees with one-on-one attention and support. By building a trusting, collaborative relationship quickly, we help them adjust to the change and look forward to their next career step. Tower Careers offers a tailored career transition service for all staff including senior executive and CEO levels.
Managing with care
The way organisations manage change can be one of the most telling indicators of their beliefs and values. In today’s changing market of downsizing, reorganisation, mergers, acquisitions and technology advancements, more professionals, managers and executives are likely to experience redundancy at some stage of their careers. It is the way it is managed that is most significant.
By offering the services of an experienced and professional career transition firm, you send a very strong message to your employees, customers, competitors and the community – that you care.
What we do
We recognise there are stresses for both the organisation and the individuals affected by change. Our services therefore encompass:
For your staff:
- Immediate counsel at the time of departure
- A method for evaluating their career using our Career Success Framework and globally respected assessment tools
- Help to develop their resume, job search material, own marketing and job search plan
- Specialist advice in the areas of networking, recruitment and search firms, and self-employment
- Ongoing coaching and support
- Assistance with negotiating job offers and remuneration
- Support their transition into the new role
- Access to advice on financial wellbeing and health and lifestyle, as well as partner support, for executive level programs
- Provide a well-appointed and convenient office or workstation to facilitate their employment search
- Access to the Tower Careers Portal for material and resources
- Access to regular workshops and seminars on key areas to support their job search
For our clients:
- Provide support to all levels of staff
- Advise on change management strategies and approaches
- Help plan the departure
- Train managers responsible for leading the notification meeting
- Provide support for impacted employees on the day of the notification
- Regular program feedback & reporting
Why use Tower?
- Our approach is successful
- Individually driven programs
- Comprehensive career planning methodology and tools
- Experienced career coaches
- Quality services
- Specialist support mechanisms
- Relationships with search, recruitment and contracting firms
- Reporting and feedback
Career Coaching
A comprehensive career coaching approach to achieve alignment and “best fit” for both the individual and the organisation.
Career Coaching is a development offering for all employees who contribute value to the organisation, especially:
- High potentials who have been identified as possible successors or who are in immediate risk of departure
- Valued employees returning after a career break or parental leave
- Employees affected by re-structure
- Individuals not stretched in their role, or under-performing
- Individuals experiencing poor fit with current job requirements
- Valued senior / successful executives who are blocking emerging talent
- Senior executives approaching retirement
Whilst every coaching engagement is unique, we follow a structured process to ensure consistency within the delivery framework.
- Stage 1: Career reflection
- Stage 2: Personal reflection
- Stage 3: Developing and understanding career options
- Stage 4: Launching Future Map