Navigating your career path with greater intention
When considering an alternative career pathway, it’s important to take a broader look at all the factors attached to a role, rather than the role alone. When new opportunities arise, it’s easy to forget to reflect on your past positions and the things you loved (or didn’t) about particular organisations. However, we suggest taking the time to think about some of these additional aspects when you are deciding whether a role is worth pursuing.
Going into a new opportunity you should be aware of:
- Your expectations
- Your non-negotiables
- The type of environments you thrive in
- The motivations that drive your work ethic
This allows you to compare these ‘needs’ with what role and culture the organisation has to offer.
By taking the time to reflect on your past experiences, you will be able to make an informed decision on a career path that is more suited to your needs, and leaves you truly fulfilled.
The Management Research Group (MRG) recently published an article which talks more about this. Click here to read it.
Take a broader look at all the factors attached to a role.